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Que sont les Sv.


International research-creation project

based on the stage innovations of the scenographer Josef Svoboda.


The Svobodays are travelling thematic days based on the work of the scenographer Josef Svoboda.

The aim is to question the links between scenography, light and advanced technologies,

and the way they are taught in higher education.

aBeyond the discovery of the work of the scenographer, often unknown to the younger generation,

the idea is to explore these links in contemporary theatrical creation,

by inviting stage professionals and practitioners to each edition to discuss new themes.

A project in 2 phases

Who are the #Svobodays aimed at?

The Svobodays are aimed at students in scenography, lighting, stage engineering or Performing arts,

as well as stage practitioners, working professionals, or spectators,

who are interested in the making of the design of the stage.

This programme is also aimed at young people who are not students

(secondary school students, young people with guidance problems)

by offering various workshops to discover the technical professions of the performing arts.

At the origin of the project

The initiators of the project, four theatre professionals who are also researchers and teachers in higher education,

met a few years ago, driven by a common interest in Svoboda's work,

in the technological mutations of the stage, and in the topic of transmission.

They initiated the first two Svobodays (Ensatt /Lyon-2018 and Esad /Seville-2019),

which brought together professionals, professors, researchers and students from different schools.

Given the interest and the reception of these first days the desire was born to disseminate the event to other schools,

to expand it and give it more scope, by actively involving students in the design and implementation of these events.

Svoboday Madrid_(c)Photo_Eufrasio_Lucena
Workshop Seville (1).JPG

The first phase (2020-2022) brings together students in stage design and lighting from 3 partner schools: ENSATT (Lyon FR) - ESAD (Seville SP) - JAMU (Brno CZ)

for the preparation of Svobodays.

The second phase (2022-2024) is a diffusion phase,

with Svobodays  taking place in about ten European schools offering a training course in scenography.

A l'origine
Qui es Sv



Josef Svoboda (1920-2002) is a Czech stage designer who worked between 1941 and 2000 on stages all over the world, designing almost seven hundred works for theatre and opera.

Internationally recognized as a master of stage lighting, he is also known for having brought the most advanced technologies of his time to the stage.

Through its scope, its poetic force and the technological innovations it brings into play, Svoboda's work can be read as a synthesis of the changes in stage design that occurred during the second half of the 20th century, of which we are the heirs today.

Looking into his trade secrets is a way to question and put into perspective our contemporary practices, and to familiarize young theatre practitioners with the tools of tomorrow.


Svoboda a une formation de menuisier ébéniste. Il réalise ses maquettes lui-même, le bois reste l'un de ses matériaux de prédilection

Texte en construction (La Traviata - 1992)

Un partenariat avec Siemens permet à Svoboda d'introduire le Laser sur scène (La Flûte Enchantée - 1970)

Décor de Svoboda pour la scène de la Reine de la Nuit dans le film de Forman "Amadeus" (1984)

Texte en construction (L'Echange - 1982)

Invité au MIT pour l'opéra de Luigi Nono "Intoleranza 60", Svoboda introduit dès 1965 le principe du broadcast avec les premiers eidophores (ancêtres des vidéoprojecteurs)

Les Propriétaires des Clefs (1962). Pour cette pièce de Kundera, Svoboda conçoit un principe de miroir noir dont émane une pyramide de faisceaux lumineux.

Svoboda utilise volontiers miroirs et réflexions pour transformer l'espace. Ici un miroir pneumatique qui devient concave, plan ou convexe selon la pression exercée.

Laterna Magika (1958). La comédienne entre en dialogue avec son image.

Polyekran (1967). L'un des premiers murs d'images, avec un principe de projection de diapositives sur un mur de caissons mobiles

texte en construction

texte en construction

Conférence de Svoboda sur l'éclairage basse-tension à l'université de San Francisco (1972)

texte en construction

texte en construction

texte en construction

Grafiti - 2002

texte en construction

Texte en conctruction (Tristan et Yseut - 1967)

La Flûte Enchantée (1961). Les dispositifs de Svoboda reposent sur une cinétique de la transformation au fil de l'action dramatique.

Texte en construction (cyclo découpé en lamelles - 1973 "Clovek")

Texte en construction (Oedipe Roi - 1963)

Entré très jeune au Théâtre national comme chef décorateur et directeur technique, Svoboda suit en parallèle des études d'architecture.

Texte en construction (rideau de lumière - Les Troyens - 1974)

Texte en construction

Texte en construction (La Mouette - 1988)

Roaming (1944). L'un des premiers dispositifs conçu par Svoboda pour la scène, avec projection d'images sur des cônes de tulle (projet interrompu par la fermeture des théâtres pendant le guerre).

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